Claire Archer, Hunterton County in April, 22"x26"Claire Archer, Hunterton County in April, 22″x26″Paul D. Beal, Running Horses of Jettenbach, 16″x24″Paul Beal, Dancers, 5″x8″Sonia Brandes, David and Bathsheba, 18"x15"Sonia Brandes, David and Bathsheba, 18″x15″Sonia Brandes, Exiled from the Garden (The Fall of Man; Genesis 3), 18″x15″Sonia Brandes, Light, 18″x15″Sonia Brandes, The Good Shepherd, 18″x15″Sonia Brandes, The Desert Shall Bloom, 18″x15″Odeta Brazeniene, Premier Night, 16″x20″Ellen Brown, February Thaw, 15″x18″ (1984)Kathryn Carr, Nevermore, 11″x9″Heather Clements, Larkspur-Beautiful Spirit, 18″x22″Nancy/Don Cook, Marsh Grasses, 20″x10″x4″Marilyn Diener, Love Birds and Doves, 8″x10″Faye DuPlessis, Circus, 25″x19″Sandra Gilpin, Around the Edges, In the Borders, 15″x15″Linda Emmerson, Medieval Paving Tile Quilt, 18″x18″Emmerson, The Corn is as High as a Cyclist’s Eye, 12″x9″Linda Emmerson, Summer 2012Flora Eng, My Brother, My Friend, 40″x27″Kim Frey, Early Will I Seek Thee, 14″x10″Marie Helene Grabman, Pennsylvania Memories, 16″x20″Archie Granot, Jerusalem, 16″x22″Carolyn Guest, Farm Forest, 9″x7″Ellen Haberlein, Christmas Eve in Norway, 13″x13″Neil A. Haring, Pine Wreath, 9.5″x9″Mary Lou (Sukey) Harris, Marriage Certificate, 15″x17″ (1987)Rosemarie Hebenstreit, Crane, 21″x17″Judith E. Hofer, New Year’s Greeting, 10″x14″Claudia Hopf, Peaceable Kingdom, 11″x13″Naomi Hordes, A Woman of Valor, 20″x16″David Jenkins, Courtly Love, 11″x14″Trudy Kauffman, Distelfinks Happiness, 11″x13″Trudy Kauffman, PA Dutch Coverlet, 16″x12″Melanie Kehoss, May Days, 11″x36″Melanie Kehoss, Rare Monogamy, 66″x11″Patty Kile, Flower Border, 12″x15″Ursula Kirchner, Germany 2Ursula Kirchner, Untitled 2, 20″x16″Ursula Kirchner, Untitled 3, 20″x16″Ursula Kirchner, Germany 1Ursula Kirchner, Umwelt (Environment), 14″x11″Ursula Kirchner, The Gardener, 11″x14″Ursula Kirchner, Untitled 1, 20″x16″Britta Kling, WildflowersBritta Kling, Joy, 24″x24″Anna Kronick, Country Wedding, 16″x14″Ellen Lengel, Meadow Metamorphosis, 12″x9″Anne LeslieClaire Lindley, Chasing Butterflies, 20″x16″Kerch McConlogue, Faces and Phases of Life, 30″x30″Judith Meyers, Hairdos 2006, 26.5″x25″Judith Meyers, Jazzy Blues/Rhapsody in Blue, 23″x20″C. Angela Mohr, Potion Bottles, 8″x17″Ernst Oppliger, Blösch (Swiss cow; print), 16″x16″Gianna Paniagua – Limiting my own Growth (detail)Gianna Paniagua, Flor y Flamenca, 29″x21″Linda Peck, White Doves, 16″x13″Fan Pu, Creation Story (Oval Creation), 13″x5″Kathy Trexel Reed, First Garden, 14″x14″Sharon Schaich, Bronze Basket II, 18″x21″Karen Shain Schloss, Psalm 19, 28″x10″Karen Shain Schloss (Do Not Unto Others)Tilly Schouten, Spring Flowers, 13″x4″Richard Schuchman, My CatRichard Schuchman, The Paper Illustrator, 10″x8″Sister Clarice Steinfeldt, Star of Bethlehem, 13″x11″Patricia Stuntz, Goldfinch Gathering, 14″x11″Sue Throckmorton, The Cricket, 18″x14″Gene Mason Toutsi, All Heart, 15″x15″Blanche L. Turner, Come Live With Me and Be My Love, 11.5″x13″Walter Von Gunten, Valentine, 17″x15″Rose Weidner, House Blessing, 17″x13″Nancy G. Shelly, The Snail’s Trail, 14″x19″Joyce A. Yarbrough, Gift of Nature, 8″x10″