Paul D. Beal, GatekeeperBolah, A PeekLorraine Bubar, Playing OutsideClarke Jones, Birds and RosesClarke Jones, The Oriole FamilyHeather Clements, Larkspur-Beautiful SpiritCourtney Duzyk, Where Love GrowsLinda Emmerson, Medieval Paving Tile QuiltJune Gengler, Bear and Tree of SeasonsSandra Gilpin, Plant a SeedGoering, Into the WoodsCarolyn Guest, Blood RootClaudia Hopf, Chrysanthemums and InsectsClaudia Hopf, Zinnias and InsectsDavid Jenkins, Siamese Fighting FishTrudy Kauffman, A HummingbirdUrsula Kirchner, Umleit (Environment)McElvain, RoseErnst Oppliger, BirdErnst Oppliger, FourLinda Peck, Apple BlossomsLinda Peck, Deep in the ForestAnna Prikazchikova, DragonflyAnna Prikazchikova, MothAnna Prikazchikova, SpiderKathy Trexel Reed, JitterbugsKathy Trexel Reed, Morning Has BrokenRosenberg, Angel with Bear TotemRichard Schuchman, Cranes (blue)Richard Schuchman, Wekiva (green)Richard Schuchman, Wekiva Springs (brown)Sidman, UntitledGail Stan, Blushing ZebraGail Stan, Spring DeerCindy Stinson-Chennell, Bee 1Cindy Stinson-Chennell, Bee 2Patricia Stuntz, Rainbow RavenPatricia Stuntz, Spring FeedersPatricia Stuntz, Tiffany Echoes Encoreung Eng, My Brother My FriendTrumbauer, Wild BirdsWoo, Warm Spring – Blossoming PaperBeth Wunder, All Things Are Connected