GAP Strategic Plan

The Guild of American Papercutters

In 2020-2021, GAP created our first Strategic Planning document. GAP is now 33 years old, and was launched by a group of wonderful people who wanted to create a community for papercutters. Along the way, the Guild grew to include a biennial conference, the First Cut (now) monthly newsletter, a museum at Laurel Arts in Somerset, PA, and traveling exhibits. We grew in many directions over the years. With the generous pro bono help of Casey Enders and the firm which she founded and is CEO of, Resolve, Inc., six volunteers formed a strategic planning committee, interviewed and surveyed GAP members, and processed the findings and created the goals you can read about in this document for moving GAP forward. Many thanks to the committee: Randall Williams (chair), Lorraine Bubar, Janelle Washington, Jason Koons and Wendy Bale.

We hope you will take time to read this report and consider ways to get more involved as we implement our new goals. We especially hope you will:

  1. Invite your papercutting colleagues and friends to join GAP. We are a membership-based organization which means we rely on those dues to do our work.
  2. Engage or stay engaged with our hybrid learning options.
  3. Promote GAP whenever and wherever possible.
  4. Join a committee or the board and volunteer your time and talents to further the work of the Guild.
  5. If you have access to grants or other types of funding, let us know! We want to preserve the amazing archives of our museum and continue to grow our web resources.
