Wycinanki Florals – The Art of Polish Papercutting
Class Date: April
Wycinanki Florals Description and Material LIst
Join artist Sam Wróbel in an exploration of layering and symmetry in wycinanki. Flowers are one of the most popular features in wycinanki, and you’ll learn how to layer colors through a floral motif. This is the perfect class for papercutters looking to employ folding for symmetrical designs, and to explore depth and color achieved by layering paper. It will also be a chance to cut with scissors (however, you can still use a knife if you prefer)!
You will need paper that is thin enough to be folded once, and in a variety of colors. Origami paper is a good option, as well as Pacon Fadeless Art Paper packs.
• Scissors, knife, or cutting tool of your preference • Paper in a variety of colors
• Glue stick or glue
• White card stock for mounting
• Pencil